Around The Yard And Other Fun Stuff

Success! Jonas gives a double thumbs up letting us know the truck is finally working after a major repair.
Just where is that pesky nail? Brian, Rick and Kenny collaborate and discuss the fine art of de-nailing.

Measuring and grading of incoming lumber.
Stuart, Randy, JW & Peter
Jonas, Marty & Brian discussing lumber details.

Jason setting up the moulder for the next batch of Antique flooring.
Marty & Brian battling with some long hand hewn barn beams.

Jonas inspecting some hand hewn beams before they are packaged and shipped.
Inside our Staunton millshop where all of of flooring, stair parts and moldings are milled.

Every Thursday morning we have a company wide coffee and breakfast meeting where we chat, go over events of the week, occasionally tell some jokes, try to identify mystery woods we have come across and also do our safety reviews.
Tyler…. future lumber guru & professional soccer player!
Loves to hang out in the office and meet customers when they visit.
Waiting for Dad to finish work so we can go to soccer practice.