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Reclaimed Hardwood Flooring

Antique Mixed Hardwood Flooring

Antique Mixed Hardwood Flooring

These two photos show our reclaimed hardwood flooring in a gorgeous home in Colorado. This project has random widths from 2.5″-6.5″ and has Waterlox tung oil based finish. We can occasionally do this flooring in a single width, however most of the time it is random widths.

Reclaimed mixed hardwood flooring
Beautiful character and patina

The random widths in the photo to the left are 2.5″-4.5″. As a result, the varying tones, as well as the widths of the planks give it a nice contrast.

reclaimed barn wood flooring

This reclaimed hardwood flooring includes a collection of a wide variety of barn planks that we have reclaimed. You can find woods like Walnut, Maple, Hickory, Ash, Beech, Poplar, Sassafras, Elm and other common Appalachian hardwoods in our Antique Mixed Hardwood flooring. In other words, the various hardwoods combine to make a stunning floor. As a result of the different hardwoods you get a great variety that can’t be matched in a single species floor.

Some original saw marks and patina
Authentic Original Saw Marks
Reclaimed Mixed Hardwood Wallet
Antique Mixed Hardwoods in random 3.5" - 6.5" widths.
Reclaimed mixed hardwood flooring
Gorgeous varying tones

Most of this reclaimed hardwood flooring came from original barn boards, therefore you will see quite a few old saw marks still visible in this flooring.

The picture here shows the flooring in random 3.5″ – 6.5″ widths. This floor has a great looking satin polyurethane.

Reclaimed barn wood is the main source of the lumber for this particular flooring.

Therefore many different wood species were used in the barn construction.

Due to the fact that this reclaimed hardwood flooring includes a wide range of wood species, the appearance forms a very unique medley of colors.

Antique Mixed Hardwood flooring
Antique Mixed Hardwood in a random 2.5" - 6.5"

"New wood can never measure up to the unique character and warmth of the antique barn board you provided. Our house is unique because of you and your product. Your service is just as unique and warm. Thank you!"

Antique Mixed Hardwood flooring

Beautiful Character and Patina

Furthermore, frequent aging stress cracks, worm holes, knots and saw marks all add to the rich character of this unique reclaimed hardwood flooring. 

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Similar Items: Antique Barnboard Oak Flooring | Wormy Chestnut Flooring 

HomeFlooring: Antique Barnboard Flooring: Antique Mixed Hardwood Flooring


All flooring is priced unfinished. For finishing options please contact our sales department.

Please let us prepare a free custom quote to best fit your project: Online Form or 800-333-7610