Character Naily Plank

This Naily Plank Antique Heart Pine flooring shows frequent nail holes, scattered solid knots and the characteristic heart pine color variations. Varied grain, color and nail holes make this a special floor.
The beautiful rich colors of reclaimed Heart Pine combined with the nail holes makes for a very unique floor. This flooring is not graded based on it’s grain so it can have flat sawn as well as some tighter grain planks. The nail hole amounts will vary from board to board. This photo shows off the varied grain you can have in our naily grade of heart pine flooring.

Naily Heart Pine – Truly Distinctive
The random nail holes give this floor a look unlike any other. It is a great, unique look that you don’t see in many homes.
This Naily Heart Pine floor will have those typical beautiful Heart Pine orange/reddish/yellow hues as well as varied grain patterns. Inventory can vary in this so please call or send us a quote request to check current inventory.

This naily heart pine flooring really makes this porch stand out.

- Species: Southern Pine
- Source: Resawn from large beams taken from demolition sites
- Heartwood: 60%-100%
- Grain Density: 4-5 rings per inch and more
- Knots: Sound knots and some partially broken knots up to 3”
- Holes: Many nail / spike holes with some ferrous stains and a few
larger bolt holes. - Cracks: Occasional vertical aged stress cracks up to 1/8”
- Face Character: Since the lumber is resawn from large timbers, the
surface of planks will have no original weathering or saw marks - Color: mixed red/orange/yellow tones
- Grain: Mixed patterns
- Milling: Center matched Tongue & Groove profile and squared ends
- Size: Thickness: ¾” Width: 3” – 12” Length: 1’ – 12’
- M/C: 8-10% or less
Home: Flooring: Antique Heart Pine: Naily Plank
All flooring is priced unfinished. For finishing options please contact our sales department.
Please let us prepare a free custom quote to best fit your project: Online Form or 800-333-7610